Our Process

Setonware Designs aims to take a step out way above the rest!  There a lot of bad options out there these days on the internet, but there are also a lot of resources to learn what works and doesn't works for the everyday stuff you love.  As avid personal online shoppers, we've spent years scouring reviews for products and items we love.  All this researching experience has created in us a super power of quality assurance!  A skill that we use to improve on the current problem ridden product offerings and actual improve your experience!
Most brands out there simply buy and sell the same item - even if it has bad reviews.  We aim to change the game.  Using dynamic seller feedback analytics we are able to deploy real changes in product development to finalize and end product that is guaranteed to please.  Not only are we constantly striving to improve upon the unworthy, but we refuse to put our name on an item that we wouldn't purchase ourselves.  
We believe that making our customers feedback and experiences the top priority of our product development process help us stand above the competition and ultimately provide the best experience possible.  Feel free to hit that "Contact Us" button to send feedback, questions or ideas.  We want to hear from you! 
Setonware Designs, where quality and family are priority.